Monday, March 31, 2014

A New Blog

Check out my new and final blog. I've decided to combine into one blog everything I have ever written. I will also add new writings to it as well.

It's the address below in my signature.

I will add everything I just mentioned over the next couple of weeks, by the way.

-- Stacy Duplease, Writer
Sent from Amazon Kindle Fire HDX
My Official Writing Website & Blog: 


I've decided to write a new book and series. It's about:

What if the Bible took place today rather than centuries ago?

So, I am starting over completely.

You can follow my CAMP NANOWRIMO progress here:


CAMP NANOWRIMO starts tomorrow! I'm so excited. Can't wait. 



There is a difference between knowledge of Jesus and knowing Jesus. Knowledge is being able to state facts, like a text book. Knowing is more personal and intimate. Knowing comes from the mind and from the heart. 

PRAYER JOURNALING QUESTION: Do you have knowledge of Jesus and/or do you really, truly, personally, intimately know Him? 

I think most of us have some knowledge of Jesus. 

I would even venture to say most of us, if not all, could have a great deal more knowledge of Jesus than we do. 

I think most of us would say we, at one time, knew Jesus. I bet most of us do not really, truly know Him in our minds and hearts, in a personal nature as well as in our knowledge base. 
The purpose of this Bible Study Fiction blog, Bible studies, and fictional books is for the purpose to help each of us have knowledge of Jesus--and know Him in our hearts and minds in a far more personal way each day. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Writing Progress

Writing Progress

Today's minimum and ideal writing goal were met. I have a total of 7,062 words so far of "JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA" written. (Yay!)

Thought For The Day (And Weekend)

Thought For The Day (And Weekend)

If you decided to be a serious student about Jesus and His life, learned daily about Him through the Four Gospels, and applied what you learned, how different of a life would you live each day?

Thursday, March 27, 2014


I have started to work on my CAMP NANOWRIMO book early. What I'm going to do is whatever my final word count is on March 31, 2014 and I will add 50,000 and I will change my writing count goal at that point on my CAMP NANOWRIMO page at that time.
So, I'm not cheating!
I just know this book will be more than 50,00 words, so I can get started now. (And, I'm not cheating!)

My daily word count goal is 2,300 Monday through Friday.

Today is the first day of my writing this book and I've met the first word count goal and have 2,300 words written. Now, whatever I write in addition today, it's my goal to add 2,300 to that total for tomorrow, and so on. This will give me the opportunity to get used to the April word count goal and rate. I will know how hard I need to write in order to accomplish this goal by the time April arrives.